On 20th March, 2019, SACA conveyed 8 beneficiaries of our alternative livelihood program from Kalaba community to Yenagoa and trained them on Welding/Fabrication, Cosmetics and Mobile Phone Repair.
Cosmetics: 5 People out of them chose to be trained in cosmetics and they included Binaebi Keme Francies, Faith Wanemi, Godbless Ogbolosingha, Tina Alabi and Meshach Ogboma. The cosmetics training was conducted by TAREKOKOS ENTERPRISES and it lasted for 2 days. On the first day, they were trained on production of liquid soap and Izaal and, on the second day, on bleach and Detol production. One of the cosmetics training participants, Faith Wanemi, in an interview said “We are happy for the privilege that SACA gave to us to be able to partake in this program”. Going further, he stated, “What SACA has imparted on me, I will also impart on other”. In conclusion, he said, “We plead with SACA to continue with this program, they should not stop because we really appreciate what they are doing.” SACA team monitored the training process, took photos and videos of the program. On 21st March, 2019, the cosmetics group graduated and were certified. The certificates were issued to them by SACA Director, Mr. Abba Ayemi, before the trainer and rest of SACA staff in our office. SACA bought the trainees the chemicals they trained with to enable them practice what they learnt at home.
Welding and Fabrication: Wonderful Gabriel was the only person who showed up for welding/fabrication. The training was conducted by MECHE GENERAL CONST. CO. NIGERIA and it lasted for 3 days (20th -23rd March, 2019). It was not meant to be an exhaustive training and SACA had explained this to the community and the participants before hand. The plan was to introduce the welding/fabrication participants to the essentials of the business to enable them decide whether or not this was a business they would like to explore further.

Then, when the Agip oil company which had indicated interest in carrying out alternative livelihoods training and empowerment in the communities would come as expected later this year, or SACA was able to access further funding elsewhere as expected, the welding/fabrication beneficiary would have the opportunity to go for more in-depth training that might last for a year or two. This position was extensively discussed with the trainer, Mr. Cyprian Abanime.
Mobile Phones Repair: A young woman, Stella Nwanlia, and a young man, Godnews Oruzi, were trained on mobile phone repair by IZUTECH (DRINKING WATER) GLOBAL CONCEPT based in Tombia GSM Village, Yenagoa, and the training lasted for 3 months, starting from 20th March to 20th June, 2019. SACA team monitored the training process from the day 1 to the last day. Recordings of the process were also taken.